Written/Coding Assignments
Roughly every two weeks you will implement some kind of numerical algorithm for working with geometry. An important part of this exercise will be deriving the algorithms, starting from the smooth geometric point of view that we will discuss in class. Each assignment is split roughly between derivations/proofs, and coding exercises. However, you will not have to write this code “from scratch”—for each assignment we will provide a code skeleton and ask you to implement critical routines that have been removed. Since this class tends to be a fairly diverse mix, we suggest that folks with a strong coding background seek out those with a strong math background and vice versa. However, your final work must be your own! To receive credit, assignments must be handed in by 5:59:59 PM Eastern time on the due date (see further handin instructions below).
Click here for a list of all assignments released so far.
Periodically we will ask you to read from the course notes or from other sources online. To encourage you to think more deeply about this material, we will ask you to write a response to each reading consisting of
- a short (2-3 sentence) summary of what you read, and
- at least one question or comment about something you found interesting and/or confusing.
Writing this summary will also help you prepare for our in-class discussion. Summaries should be uploaded to Gradescope. To receive credit, you must upload your summary by 10:00 AM Eastern time on the day of lecture.
Click here for a list of all readings so far.
Homework Submission
- Assignments are due by 5:59:59 PM Eastern time on the due date
- All homework must be submitted digitally using GradeScope
- Put all source files in a single zip file called solution.zip.
- All written exercises must be digitized for submission, and uploaded to Gradescope. We won’t accept physical paper submissions.
- You can either typeset your answers (using, e.g., LaTeX) or include scans/photos of your written work.
- Feedback on your written assignment will be sent back to you via GradeScope
Late policy: You may take up to 5 total late days over the course of the semester, no questions asked. All subsequent late assignments will receive a zero. Reading summaries must be turned in on time to receive credit (no late days can be used here). To receive credit, you must indicate which late day you’re using (1–5) on your assignment by including the corresponding “Latonic solid”: