Assignment -1: Favorite Formula

Part of your course grade is determined by participation, which can include both in-class participation as well as discussion here on the course webpage.  Therefore, your first assignment is to:

  1. create an account, and
  2. leave a comment on this post containing your favorite mathematical formula (see below).
To make things interesting, your comment should include a description of your favorite mathematical formula typeset in $\LaTeX$.  If you don’t know how to use $\LaTeX$ this is a great opportunity to learn — a very basic introduction can be found here.  (And if you don’t have a favorite mathematical formula, this is a great time to pick one!)
(P.S. Anyone interested in hearing about some cool “favorite theorems” should check out this podcast.)

71 thoughts on “Assignment -1: Favorite Formula”

  1. If function $f$ is integrable on interval $[a,b],$ and there exists differentiable function $F$ such that $F’ = f$, then $\int_a^b f(x) dx = F(b) – F(a)$

  2. Hanner’s inequality:

    $||f + g||_p^p + ||f-g||_p^p \geq (||f||_p + ||g||_p)^p + \Big| ||f||_p – ||g||_p \Big|^p$

    where $f, g \in L^p$ and $1 \leq p \leq 2$. The inequality is flipped for $p \geq 2$.

  3. $v$ = $M$ * $\Gamma$(n) * $\kappa$
    where $v$ denotes to grain boundary velocity, $M$ denotes to grain boundary mobility,
    $\Gamma$(n) denotes to interface stiffness tensor and $\kappa$ denotes to grain boundary curvature matrix

  4. big fan of tupper’s self-referential formula $$\frac{1]{2} < \lfloor \mod\left(\lfloor \frac{y}{17} \rfloor 2^{-17 \lfloor x \rfloor – \mod(\lfloor y \rfloor, 17)}, 2\right ) \rfloor$$

  5. apparently that’s not how you do latex on here haha
    attempt #2:
    $latex \frac{1]{2} < \lfloor \mod\left(\lfloor \frac{y}{17} \rfloor 2^{-17 \lfloor x \rfloor – \mod(\lfloor y \rfloor, 17)}, 2\right ) \rfloor$

  6. this is so sad
    third time’s the charm?
    $\frac{1}{2} < \left \lfloor \textrm{mod} \left( \left\lfloor \frac{y}{17} \right\rfloor 2^{-17 \lfloor x \rfloor – \textrm{mod}(\lfloor y \rfloor, 17)}, 2\right ) \right\rfloor$

  7. The manipulator equation, a general form EOM for rigidbody robots with control input ($u$) and constraints/contact forces ($\lambda$).
    $M(q)\ddot{q} +C(q, \dot{q})\dot(q) = \tau_g(q) + Bu + J^T\lambda$
    $M(q)$ is the mass matrix, $C(q, \dot{q})\dot{q}$ contains Coriolis forces, and $\tau_g(q)$ is the gravitational forces.

  8. The volume of the \(n\)-dimensional unit cube is
    \[ r^n \]
    while the volume of the $n$-dimensional unit sphere is
    $$\frac{\pi^{n/2}}{\Gamma(\tfrac{n}2 + 1)}$$

  9. The n-th prime, ${p_{n}=1+\sum _{i=1}^{2^{n}}\left\lfloor \left({\frac {n}{\sum _{j=1}^{i}\left\lfloor \left(\cos {\frac {(j-1)!+1}{j}}\pi \right)^{2}\right\rfloor }}\right)^{1/n}\right\rfloor }$

  10. Navier Stokes Equations
    $\frac{du}{dt} + (u \cdot \nabla)u = – \nabla p + \frac{1}{Re}\nabla^{2}u$
    $\nabla \cdot u = 0$
    where $u$ is fluid velocity, $p$ is pressure, and $Re$ is the Reynolds #.

  11. Area of a triangle projected onto a sphere, where $\alpha_{1}$, $\alpha_{2}$, and $\alpha_{3}$ are the interior angles of the spherical triangle.
    $A = \alpha_{1} + \alpha_{2} + \alpha_{3} – \pi$

  12. Since Shannon Entropy is taken, I’ll go with Renyi entropy. For $X \sim f$:

    $h_p(X) = \frac{1}{1-p} \log \left(\int_{\mathbb{R}^d} f^p(x) dx \right)$

    where $p \in (0,1) \cup (1,\infty)$, with $p=1$ recovering Shannon entropy via L’Hopital.

  13. — Banach’s Fixed Point Theorem —
    For any complete metric space $X$ and contraction mapping $T: X \rightarrow X$

    \exists x^\star \in X: \: T(x^\star) = x^\star \text{ and } \forall x \in X, \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty} T^n(x) = x^\star

    Where $T^n(x) = T(T^{n-1}(x))$

  14. Complementary variables, hell yeah:

    $\sigma_x \sigma_p \geq \frac{\hbar}{2}$

    Most popular in quantum mechanics, it’s a fundamental limit on accuracy (or is it???) for measuring certain variables concurrently…

  15. Maxwell’s Equations to describe electromagnetic fields and how it interacts with matters:
    1. Gauss’s law for electric fields: $$\nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} = \frac{\rho}{\epsilon_0}$$
    2. Gauss’s law for magnetic fields: $$\nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} = 0$$
    3. Faraday’s law of induction: $$\nabla \times \mathbf{E} = -\frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t}$$
    4. Ampere’s law with Maxwell’s correction: $$\nabla \times \mathbf{B} = \mu_0 \mathbf{J} + \mu_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}}{\partial t}$$


  16. Equation of equilibrium in cylindrical coordinates.

    &\frac{\partial \sigma_{r}}{\partial r}+\frac{\partial \tau_{r z}}{\partial z}+\frac{\sigma_{r}-\sigma_{\theta}}{r}+\rho \omega^{2} r=0, \\
    &\frac{\partial \tau_{r z}}{\partial r}+\frac{\partial \sigma_{z}}{\partial z}+\frac{\tau_{r z}}{r}=0

  17. I like this triple product that can be interpreted to describe the volume of a parallelepiped, yet swapping the order of vectors will change the sign to mean this volume in a different direction.
    $\textbf{u} \times (\textbf{v} \times \textbf{w}) = – \textbf{u} \times (\textbf{w} \times \textbf{v})$

  18. $$X_{ffd} = \sum_{i=0}^l \binom{l}{i} (1-s)^{l-i}s^i \left[ \sum_{j=0}^m \binom{m}{j} (1-t)^{m-j}t^j \left[\sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k} (1-u)^{n-k}u^k \mathbf{P_{i,j,k}} \right]\right]$$

    A Free Form Deformation of 3D objects. Given object points $(s,t,u)$ within the frame of the control points $\mathbf{P}$, the output is the deformed coordinates of the inputs according to the control points. Fun shapes arise from this 🙂

  19. I find the overlapping of architecture and mathematics really fascinating.
    [ x (\theta) = r (\theta) \cos(\theta) ]
    [ y (\theta) =r (\theta) \sin(\theta) ]

  20. Peaucellier-Lipkin linkage: If you take two equal-length sides connected at one edge, and ten connect a rhombus to their other edges, then if you rotate one vertex of the rhombus along a circular path, its opposite vertex in the rhombus will move along a straight line. This mechanism is used to translate rotational motion into linear motion.

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